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Prayer to Saint Venerand to make it rain

Updated : Sat 13 Nov 2021 AM (UTC +1)

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Saint Venerand was the brother of Saint Maximus; they both suffered martyrdom because they refused to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ.
Saint Venerand and Saint Maximus are invoked in times of great drought to obtain rain.
They are honoured especially in Evreux where a large part of their holy relics are kept.


Grant, O my God, that the blessed saints whom you have given us as friends and advocates with you, become on this day our intercessors and obtain for us from your goodness the necessary rain for the goods of the earth, so that we can bless with them your divine Providence. We pray to you through Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.



Saint Venerand and Saint Maximus, whom we invoke with confidence to have rain, pray for us in this time of disastrous drought.

O my Savior Jesus crucified! when I contemplate you with faith and piety, how many motives of love and trust for you are pressed into my soul! And how, O my Savior! could I not love you? you who, without any merit on my part, warned me of your love, and pushed it to the point of willingly handing yourself over to the hands of your enemies, and to the torture of the cross, to take upon you I punishment that I had deserved by my crimes.
What brother would like to take his place in this way for his brother, what father for his son, and what wife for her husband, to suffer in his place a deserved punishment? I imagine a criminal condemned legitimately to death by the judge, and who awaits the execution of his sentence every hour. A friend of this criminal comes to find him in his dungeon, takes his clothes and his chains, gives him freedom, and lets himself be led in his place to the execution. Such dedication, if it existed, could it ever be admired enough? and what should be the love and gratitude of the guilty who has been delivered to his innocent deliverer?



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Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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